The Institute for Educational and Social Justice, co-directed by Dr. Marina V. Gillmore and Dr. Monique R. Henderson, is dedicated to advancing educational and social justice causes by telling stories that build awareness and understanding of educational and social justice issues. Our experience tells us that when dynamic, powerful stories are used to showcase issues of educational and social justice and the work that is being done, people and organizations are inspired to action. This blog is designed to be a forum to showcase events and issues of educational and social justice. Our goal is not to tell readers what to think, but to encourage them to regularly consider their own views on critical issues including equity and equality, racism, and related issues. The content on this blog, unless otherwise noted, is (c) by the Institute for Educational and Social Justice.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Coming Soon...

We at The Institute for Educational and Social Justice and 20/20 Enterprises are excited to be putting the finishing touches on our new book, Motivation, Education, and Transformation: The Change Agent's Guide to Reaching Our Youth and Lifting them Higher.

This exciting new book, which will be available for purchase in paperback and in e-book form beginning in early March, is designed for anyone who is looking for ways to more effectively reach the young people they serve.

This innovative book, co-written by Dr. Marina Gillmore, Dr. Monique R. Henderson and Keith L. Brown, includes practical, common sense advice for leaders who work with today’s young people.

The book’s authors have extensive experience working with teens and young adults, and also have a strong background in educational research, uniquely positioning them to offer insights and applications that really work.

This book will show you how to effectively motivate and educate today’s young people, with the ultimate end goal of empowering youth from all backgrounds to become transformational leaders, doing their part to bring about positive changes in their classrooms, schools, neighborhoods, communities and beyond.

Expect to be challenged, inspired and transformed!

1 comment:

  1. A road trip and a video to promote this new book would be right on target. Please have Keith forward any video he may have of his motivational seminars and I will ask Amber if she has any footage. VIDEO storytelling is the most effective medium for the internet and meeting people is the absolute best way to communicate a story or idea to motivate action.
