The Institute for Educational and Social Justice, co-directed by Dr. Marina V. Gillmore and Dr. Monique R. Henderson, is dedicated to advancing educational and social justice causes by telling stories that build awareness and understanding of educational and social justice issues. Our experience tells us that when dynamic, powerful stories are used to showcase issues of educational and social justice and the work that is being done, people and organizations are inspired to action. This blog is designed to be a forum to showcase events and issues of educational and social justice. Our goal is not to tell readers what to think, but to encourage them to regularly consider their own views on critical issues including equity and equality, racism, and related issues. The content on this blog, unless otherwise noted, is (c) by the Institute for Educational and Social Justice.

Monday, February 21, 2011

"Children will learn to do what they want to learn to do."

As you watch this thought-provoking TED talk by education scientist Sugata Mitra, you might consider the following questions:
  • What is the video saying about the idea that our children are now digital natives, meaning that they do not need to be taught how to use technology because for them it is a largely intuitive process? How does this impact the way we view the teaching and learning process?
  • What does the premise of his talk say in terms of educational and social justice implications? Might it be possible, with the use of some fairly simple and inexpensive technology, to educate young people in places where, as Mitra says, "the good teachers won't go?"
  • Is there anything in this video that you find especially hopeful? Or disturbing? Or both?

We'd love to hear what you have to say. Please leave a comment below.

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