“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever does.” -Margaret Mead
We often talk to people who care deeply about the problems they see around them. Often, they have powerful ideas about how to improve the lives of individuals, families and communities.
But at times, these same people become overwhelmed by all the work that remains. And more than that, they become frustrated by all the people they encounter who do not share their vision.
There are people who refuse to see the social justice issues around them. Or, maybe they see them but refuse to see that they have any responsibility in being part of the solution.
What is the best response to people who are resistant to the vision of educational and social justice?
Do you invest energy arguing with them? Presenting them with evidence? Using logic to try to win them over to your way of seeing things?
There are certainly times when such strategies are important. We should use all the tools at our disposal to educate people who are within our sphere of influence.
But at other times, it seems wise to remember these words from Margaret Mead.
And instead of trying to convert those who resist, it may be wiser to effectively seek out like-minded people – that small group of thoughtful, committed citizens interested in coming together to change the world in some way, big or small.
So today, be intentional in efforts to find “your people” – individuals and groups that share your ideas and your concerns – people who speak your language. And when you find them, don’t let them go. Because together, we really can change the world.
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