The Institute for Educational and Social Justice, co-directed by Dr. Marina V. Gillmore and Dr. Monique R. Henderson, is dedicated to advancing educational and social justice causes by telling stories that build awareness and understanding of educational and social justice issues. Our experience tells us that when dynamic, powerful stories are used to showcase issues of educational and social justice and the work that is being done, people and organizations are inspired to action. This blog is designed to be a forum to showcase events and issues of educational and social justice. Our goal is not to tell readers what to think, but to encourage them to regularly consider their own views on critical issues including equity and equality, racism, and related issues. The content on this blog, unless otherwise noted, is (c) by the Institute for Educational and Social Justice.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Student Leadership Institute

Back in July we were co-consultants at the Student Leadership Institute in Guthersville, Alabama, where we had the opportunity to work with the always-incredible Keith L. Brown and his I'm Possible team. Although words cannot possibly express the energy of the three-day experience, here's a reflection I wrote back in July that begins to put some of my thoughts onto the page.

This I believe. That everyone has a story to tell. This I know. That sometimes the need for change is so strong and so compelling that you cannot help but act. And act now. And act with a forcefulness and a purpose that says – we cannot wait. We must act. We must act with intention and with love. Always with love. And always with an understanding of the awesomeness of our responsibility and our charge.

Reflecting on the past few days, my heart and mind are so full – with possibility, with excitement, with thankfulness. I am reminded that sometimes I leave home with the intention of doing my part to change the world. And sometimes I return home knowing that the world has changed me, inspired me, rejuvenated me.

All people deserve to know their “why” – why they wake up in the morning, why they live. Empowerment is a powerful, transformative thing. Thinking of all the lives we, as a team, helped transform this past week, I am also humbled by the way my “why” was transformed in the process.

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